1569 Sherman Avenue, Suite 200, Evanston, IL 60201
phone:  312/671-0178  e-mail:  webmaster@cprchicago.commailto:info@cprchicago.comshapeimage_2_link_0

Margie was a true pioneer and her life was wrapped in research as well.  Back in the early 60s (when she met Don at P&G) she was one of the few “women in research”.  Imagine saying that nowadays?   Margie started CPRs phone center in 1986 and was the driving force behind all of our processes, forms, and double checks. 

Amongst the demands of an ever-changing market (better cheaper, faster data collection), Margie never lost her sense of kindness, even while she made you re-code all those surveys using the proper colored pencil (red, for all who don’t know).

Peter is a second-generation market researcher with over 15 years experience in his chosen profession. He is a hands on market researcher who currently supervises research projects for several key CPR accounts. Peter's specialty is integrating new technologies with proven research methods.

Doug joined CPR in 1991 and is currently responsible for the firm's CATI (computer assisted telephone interviewing). Doug is also a world-class programmer on CPR's in-house data processing software.

Charley joined CPR in 1999. He previously held the position of project coordinator for a technology research firm. Charley is currently a CPR project supervisor for internal and off-site studies.

Marketing research was Len’s second career.  He spent 30 years as a corporate purchasing agent before retiring.  Looking for something to fill his days, he found CPR back in 1986.  Len was a daily 8:30 AM – 1 PM staple at the office.   In 2012, after working at CPR for 26 years, and at the young age of 89, Len decided he had enough of the rat race.  We continued to stay in touch with him until his passing in 2013.

Velvet joined CPR in 1990, and oversees the training and scheduling of CPR's professional interviewing staff. Velvet is also responsible for maintaining CPR's Interviewer Quality Standards.

products and servicesProducts_and_Services.html
experience and technologyExperience_and_Technology.html
management team
clients and projectsClients_and_Projects.html
mission statementMission_Statement.html
CPR’s management team
“knowledge and 
  timber shouldn’t be 
much used ‘till they 
    are seasoned.”  

    o l i v e r   w e n d e l l   h o l m e s
margaret finn morich
donald morich
peter morich
douglas scherer
  data processing
charles jordan
  project manager
leonard schechtman
  executive interviewer supervisor
velvet dixon
  telephone center supervisor
In Memoriam

Don’s research talents and personality helped make CPR our favorite place to work.  His skill-set and experience were unsurpassed in the industry.  From his early days as a Research Associate at Proctor & Gamble to the end, Don lived and breathed surveys, data, reports, and clients.  His legacy will live on in every high quality, creative, yet method-centric projects CPR conducts.

His great sense of commitment and humor, a willingness to listen and mentor, and his unreasonable demands about the quality of the office coffee will be sorely missed.